Kilkenny Journal: THE BAD NEWS: Up to 50,000 extra to build your house! BC(A)R SI.9

by Bregs Blog admin team


“Hogan adds thousands to building your own home.  1000-3000 Euro more, he says. But could be up to 50,000 a house!”

In this Kilkenny Journal article from 3rd March 2014 Michael McGrath explores the local impacts of Building Control (Amendment) Regulation ( SI.9 of 2014) in Minister Hogan’s own constituency. Link to article here:

Quote from article:

“I have listened over the past week when various commentators over RTE have said that these new house-building regulations could mean increases by as much as 50,000 Euro in the building of a house, that is if you want to build your own home. …Worse still the Minister is rushing in this new measure next month in all undue haste. It’s an unmerciful increase on top of young people starting out trying to build their own house. And it’s an increase that has been sneaked in amid all the more public controversy about all the other more well-known increases in charges and taxes, and of course with the austerity cuts hogging the limelight. 

So here we are now with a measure being brought in that there’s not much known about. From what I can gather it’s to stop another Priory Court occurring, but young folk starting out are not building apartment blocks like Priory Court. We think that this is a very extreme charge introduced by Phil Hogan, it’s sneaky, it’s not justified, it’s a bad charge, it’s very mean.  It’s unjust and even anti-social.”